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Published: 13-Oct-12
How To Make A Wordpress Static Page
Wordpress marketing is the most widely used software in the internet business world today. Against popular belief that Wordpress is just for blogging, you have the option to use Wordpress for just about any type site that you wish to create. You can also use Wordpress Marketing for your Affiliate Marketing page. Here is a simple method for you to set up a static front page in Wordpress.

To begin you will need to log into your Admin Dashboard page. After you have logged in just follow these simple steps to create your Wordpress Static page.

1. Now you will need to go to the page section of your admin and create an empty page which you will name ?Home?. This is the most logical name but you have the ability to name it just about anything you wish. This will now be your new static Wordpress page. It is really important that you give this page a page order of zero.

2. Next you will need to create another empty page just like you did before but this time you will name this page any name that you wish to use like you did in the previous step. You will also need to remember to give this page a page order number such as ninety nine. If the template on your site allows you to create page templates you will be able to assign your page layout in this step. Most of these templates will go into the default blog style.

3. Your final step in creating a static Wordpress home page is to go to your settings tab on your admin dashboard and activate the pages by clicking on reading. At the very top of this page you will choose the static page button. Once you have done that you are going to go over to the front page and select the title that you had named your home page in the very first step. Finally after you have done all of those steps you will select the posts page and choose a title for that page as well.

If you have done all of these steps in the right order you will now have a Wordpress static page on the front page of your site. Also your posts will appear on the posts page. By using a static Wordpress front page you will be able to update it regularly and it will help you with higher rankings in the search engines.

Remember being high in the search engines means more traffic to your site. Wordpress is a very powerful tool that is available to all business owners on the internet today to help them create all of their sites whether they are a blog or a fully fledged webpage.

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